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Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods Podcast Eps 2 - Brien Foerster.
On the coast of Peru a mysterious people appeared about 3000 years ago and disappeared 1000 years later. The royalty of these people had elongated heads, natural dark red hair, light skin and possibly blue or green eyes; quite different from the Native population.
Brien Foerster, internationally renowned author of over 37 books joins Erich von Daniken to discuss the Paracas, who may very well have emigrated to the coast of Peru from the Black Sea and Crimea area of Eurasia.
About Brien Foerster:
Brien Foerster was born in the United States but grew up on the west coast of Canada where he developed a fascination with Native art. Though he did graduate from university with a BSc. honors degree, his passion for the art of the indigenous people caused him to become a professional carver of totem poles for over a decade. At 35 he moved to the island of Maui in Hawaii and spent 2 years working with Hawaiian people building a 62 foot double hull sailing catamaran. This adventure led him to explore Polynesia for several years, and then he chose to visit Peru 15 years ago. His first tour guide in the Inca city of Cusco could not explain how the huge megalithic works of the area were made and by who, thus he began to explore using his scientific background, as well as the knowledge of local and foreign geologists, engineers and oral tradition experts the mysteries that underly these astonishing stone works. This has led to a revelation that the megalithic works of Peru, as well as those in Bolivia, Easter Island, Egypt, Lebanon, Lebanon, Turkey and other places were in fact created many thousands of years before any known culture, and were all seemingly devastated by a series of global cataclysms some 12,000 years ago.
In all, he has published 37 books as of April 2021, has appeared on numerous television shows, such as Ancient Aliens 20 times, radio shows and podcasts, and has explored more than 100 countries. You can find more than 1700 of his videos on Youtube.
Please check Brien's YouTube channel -
Official Website -
Brien Foerster's newest book Beyond The Black Sea: The Mysterious Paracas Of Peru Pocket is now available from Amazon -
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Erich von Däniken
Seit Menschengedenken bewahren ägyptische Bauwerke Geheimnisse, über welche in der klassischen Ägyptologie nicht gesprochen wird.
So wurde der Tempel von Abydos ursprünglich gebaut, weil dort der Kopf des Gottes Osiris begraben sei. Wer ist dieser Osiris? Woher kam er? Mit eindrücklichen Bildern beweist Erich von Däniken (EvD), dass der gewaltige Unterbau des heutigen Tempels mit einer unbekannten Technik errichtet wurde - und 5000 Jahre in die Vergangenheit zurückreicht.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Däniken wurde vom Hangar18b-Team interviewt und erklärt seine Sicht zu vielen hochinteressanten Themen, wie: - den Zeitgeist - UFOs - Kornkreise - Klimawandel/CO2 - Edgar Mitchell (6. Mann auf dem Mond) - die Wissenschaft - Journalismus - Mars/Ceres- Mischwesen - Geheime Höhlen - Puma Punku - und vieles mehr. Eine spannende Mischung
With Special Thanks to HANGER 18b YouTube Channel -
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods Podcast Eps 1 - PREMIERE LAUNCH!!!
Steve Mera, the UK’s most respected researcher in the realms of UFOlogy, Unexplained & Supernatural, joins Erich von Daniken in this first premiere screening of the podcast. They discuss Ancient Mana (otherwise known as Monatomic Gold), The Ark of the Covenant, and the Giants of Ancient Times.
"This episode is made with German subtitles - we would like to thank Mr Karl Apsel for his contribution. You can learn more about Karl Apsel by visiting"
Steve Mera is the head tutor for British & U.S. Investigators Training Courses in Ufological Studies and the CEO of Phenomena Magazine, the world’s largest e-zine of its kind, distributed in 12 counties to over 1.8 millions subscribes.
He is an accomplished author of several books, the founder of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology (Est 1996) and the Chairman of MAPIT - Manchester's Aerial Phenomena Investigation Team (Est 1974), Associative Member: Unifaculty of London Member: Office of Metaphysical Parapsychology, International Radio Host, Freelance Journalist, International Lecturer.
Steve Mera is also, the Official Spokesman for:
Fox TV series 'Outcast':
Onwinges Productions 'TRAVIS THE MOVIE'
Hammer Movie Productions 'The Quiet Ones':
Steve Mera is the Director of Awakenings Expo (UK) where Erich appeared several times as a keynote speaker, Steve is also Executive Producer of Chariots of the Gods 50th Anniversary - BAFTA London
Executive Producer of The Mysterious Bodies of Peru 3 Part Documentary, and the Executive Producer of Richard Dolan's The Chronological History of UFOs TV Series, coming soon on
Visit Phenomena Magazine website - to learn more about UFO INVESTIGATORS COURSE, as well as sign up for a free monthly magazine download.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
EvD spricht am One-Day-Meeting der A.A.S. in Hannover 2019 über das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt Nazca III, welches über eine Crowfunding-Kampagne der Erich von Däniken-Stiftung realisiert wurde. Er behandelt die Kritik der offiziellen Wissenschaften zu seinem Thema und erklärt die Untersuchungen von Prof. Dr. John Mack, welcher Implantate von angeblichen Entführungs-Opfern naturwissenschaftlich analysierte.
With special thanks to HANGAR 18B Official YouTube Channel
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York