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Learn how NGINX is used a web server, reverse proxy, load balancer, and HTTP cache to handle the demands of high traffic sites.
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This is a Laravel crash course that covers installation, authentication, routes, data, pagination, email functionality and much more
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00:00 Introduction
01:49 Demo
04:23 Installing and setting up Laravel
07:08 Routes, views and layouts
10:35 Laravel Mix and Tailwind
15:18 Styling the layout
17:35 Running migrations
22:57 Registering users
44:06 Signing in after registration
46:46 Authenticated state
48:30 Logging in
53:47 Logging out
57:52 Middleware
01:06:12 Post form
01:09:26 Setting up posts
01:16:06 User/post relationship
01:18:49 Creating a post
01:20:14 Listing posts
01:27:37 Pagination
01:30:31 Seeding with model factories
01:33:54 Liking and unliking posts
01:48:50 Eager loading
01:53:40 Deleting our posts
01:56:46 Authorization
02:02:47 User profile page
02:06:49 Blade components
02:10:54 Like count Eloquent relationship
02:12:41 Single post page
02:14:18 Sending email
02:21:23 Soft deleting models
02:26:31 Final tidying
02:28:20 Wrapping up

The ultimate compilation of Windows 10 tips and tricks to enhance your skills using Microsoft Windows. I’ve combined long-established tips and tricks featured in previous videos with prominent new ones Microsoft added in 2019 and 2020. You’ll find these tips and tricks useful whether you’re using Windows for the first time or just wanting to enhance your Windows 10 skills.
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God Mode: %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
Contents 0:00
1. Windows-V 0:40
2. Snip & Sketch 1:48
3. Aero Shake 3:31
4. Snap Assist 3:52
5. Dictation 4:45
6. Dark Mode 5:55
7. Night Light 6:47
8. Calculator 7:34
9. Nearby Sharing 9:06
10. Focus Assist 10:28
11. Calendar Event 11:54
12. Hide Desktop Icons 13:23
13. Secret Windows Menu 14:00
14. Windows Switch 14:26
15. PowerToys 14:53
16. Storage Sense 17:03
17. Startup Programs 17:58
18. God Mode 18:41
19. Show People 20:08
20. Reliability Monitor 22:10
21. Windows Reset 23:45
22. EarTrumpet 24:58
23. Virtual Desktops 26:25
24. Keyboard Shortcuts 27:49
25. Background Apps 28:58
26. Emoji 29:43
27. Default Apps 30:02
28. Troubleshooter 31:02
29. Steps Recorder 32:03
30. Visual Search 33:29

Learn Laravel 5.8 by creating an Instagram clone in this full tutorial course for beginners. Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework used for creating web applications.
⭐️Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00) Introduction
⌨️ (1:14) What is Laravel?
⌨️ (2:07) Installing Laravel
⌨️ (5:30) First look at the project
⌨️ (7:15) Intro to php artisan
⌨️ (11:42) Generating login flow with make:auth
⌨️ (12:04) Setting Up the Front End with Node and NPM
⌨️ (20:00) Migrations and Setting Up SQLite
⌨️ (26:00) Designing the UI from Instagram
⌨️ (42:12) Adding Username to the Registration Flow
⌨️ (58:35) Creating the Profiles Controller
⌨️ (1:04:00) RESTful Resource Controller
⌨️ (1:09:10) Passing Data to the View
⌨️ (1:10:20) Adding the Profiles Mode, Migration and Table
⌨️ (1:17:30) Adding Eloquent Relationships
⌨️ (1:28:10) Fetching the Record From The Database
⌨️ (1:30:00) Adding Posts to the Database & Many To Many Relationship
⌨️ (2:04:24) Creating Through a Relationship
⌨️ (2:08:12) Uploading/Saving the Image to the Project
⌨️ (2:19:19) Resizing Images with Intervention Image PHP Library
⌨️ (2:27:42) Route Model Binding
⌨️ (2:31:48) Editing the Profile
⌨️ (2:46:46) Restricting/Authorizing Actions with a Model Policy
⌨️ (2:54:50) Editing the Profile Image
⌨️ (3:00:00) Automatically Creating A Profile Using Model Events
⌨️ (3:12:56) Default Profile Image
⌨️ (3:19:48) Follow/Unfollow Profiles Using a Vue.js Component
⌨️ (3:31:28) Many To Many Relationship
⌨️ (3:46:33) Calculating Followers Count and Following Count
⌨️ (3:48:55) Laravel Telescope
⌨️ (3:51:44) Showing Posts from Profiles The User Is Following
⌨️ (4:01:03) Pagination with Eloquent
⌨️ (4:03:25) N + 1 Problem & Solution
⌨️ (4:05:21) Make Use of Cache for Expensive Query
⌨️ (4:11:44) Sending Emails to New Registered Users
⌨️ (4:21:51) Wrapping Up
⌨️ (4:22:37) Closing Remarks & What's Next In your Learning
?Course from Coder's Tape. Check out their YouTube channel for more great Laravel tutorials:
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Today's Question: What other learning resources outside of this channel do you learn from? - First 200 get their first 2 months free @ Skillshare!
-- While Sass has been out for quite some time, I wanted to create my own resource for my viewers to learn. Sass enables you to write CSS with features that don't yet exist within CSS itself. In this free crash course, I'm going to show you how to get up and running with Sass while creating a simple responsive landing page from scratch.
We're going to cover:
1. Integrating Sass within Visual Studio Code
2. Sass Variables
3. Sass Maps
4. Nesting
5. Mixins
6. Functions
7. Sass & Media Queries
Github repo for this course:
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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn,, Pluralsight and Envato Network.
Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website
Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!

In this iOS tutorial, you'll learn how to get set up for iOS app development, how to use the tools required and how to write/read Swift code so that you can build your own app! By the end of this iOS development tutorial, you'll have built your first fully functional app!
Note: Missing your main.storyboard file? Check out this video for the fix:
This video series uses the latest and greatest from Apple (Xcode 10, Swift 5, iOS 12) and will teach a beginner with no programming experience how to make iPhone apps. I'm creating these videos with the assumption that the student has no prior knowledge and is starting from scratch.
???????? ???? ??????:
Chapter 1 - Xcode: 00:00:00
Chapter 2 - Auto Layout: 00:15:50
Chapter 3 - Stack Views: 00:47:12
Chapter 4 - First User Interface: 01:02:11
Chapter 5 - Swift Basics (I): 01:32:55
Chapter 6 - Swift Basics (II): 01:52:55
Chapter 7 - Swift Basics (III): 02:15:08
Chapter 8 - Connect Elements: 02:32:48
Chapter 9 - User Interactions: 02:55:35
Chapter 10 - Coding Logic: 03:06:45
FREE RESOURCES (download links)
Resources, Code, Bonus Videos and Recap Notes:
ALL my recording equipment and recommended books:
To get started with developing your own app, join my free 7 Day App Action Plan and I'll help you put together a game plan in just ONE WEEK!!
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My guide for Xcode on Windows:
? Swift Syntax Cheat Sheet ►
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For more tutorials on how to build iPhone apps, make sure you join and visit my site where you'll find a community of like minded learners! Learning something new is always more fun with other people!
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Hi I’m Chris! I’m dedicated to teaching fundamentals about how to make an app. This is important if you’re trying to land an iOS job, be a freelancer, increase or start a business with an app idea. On the site, you'll find a ton of free resources and tutorials to aid you on your journey to learn iOS development. Many people have successfully picked up Swift 4, Xcode 10 and app building from my course and materials!
Need motivation?
Here's just a sample of the success stories my students have sent in:
#CodeWithChris #HowToMakeAnApp #Swift

In this step-by-step tutorial video, learn how you can use Microsoft OneDrive to backup files, to access your files anywhere, and to share and collaborate with others. I walk through how to get OneDrive and how to use OneDrive across PC, web, and phone.
Resources called out in this video:
- Upgrade to Windows 10 for free -
- Download and install OneDrive (if you have Mac, Windows 7 or Windows 8) -
0:00 What is OneDrive and why use it
2:33 Get OneDrive on PC and Mac
3:35 Get OneDrive on iPhone or Android
4:39 How to use OneDrive on PC
6:28 Using OneDrive in Windows File Explorer
7:00 Status icons
8:28 Sharing folders and files
10:05 View files online
10:30 Version history
10:54 Keep file on cloud only or device and cloud
11:36 Access your files from anywhere via the web
12:34 Search with OneDrive
13:02 Create new Word, Excel, & PowerPoint files
13:25 Upload content
14:00 Sorting
14:18 File & folder visualization
14:30 Activity view
14:56 Actions on files & folders on the web
15:40 Personal vault
16:31 Recent view
16:45 Photos view
17:10 Shared files
17:20 Recycle bin
17:48 OneDrive Settings
19:29 Using OneDrive on iPhone & Android
20:20 Scan or take photo on OneDrive app
20:50 Edit PDFs on OneDrive app
22:17 OneDrive plans for more storage

In this step-by-step tutorial video, learn how to use Microsoft Lists. Microsoft Lists is a Microsoft 365 app that helps you track information and organize work. List are simple, smart, and flexible, so you can stay on top of what matters most to your team. Track issues, assets, routines, contacts, inventory and more using customizable views and smart rules and alerts to keep everyone in sync. With ready-made templates, you can quickly start lists online, on our new mobile app, or with Microsoft Teams. And because it’s part of Microsoft 365, you can rely on enterprise-ready security and compliance.
0:00 Introduction
0:44 What's unique about Lists?
2:01 Example use cases for Lists
2:17 Difference between Lists, Planner & To Do
2:57 Competition and evolution of SharePoint Lists
3:31 How to get Microsoft Lists via
4:28 How to get Microsoft Lists in Teams
5:09 Start page
6:30 Create a new list
9:09 Adding columns
12:00 Adding data
12:24 Add data via form
12:58 Add data via grid view
13:40 Share list with others
14:24 Conditional formatting
15:58 Column totals
16:25 Visualizing data in calendar and card views
17:16 Filtering and permissions
17:30 Alerts, notifications & rules
18:34 Connecting to Power Automate & Power Apps
19:54 Lists mobile experience
20:08 Wrap up
Resources called out:
- How to use Power Automate:

Mit macOS Big Sur erscheint das nächste große Update für den Mac.
In diesem Video zeige ich euch mit den Top 70 Highlights alles, was ihr über dieses Update wissen müsst.
➤ Diese Kamera nutze ich:
➤ Diesen Gimbal nutze ich:
➤ Diese Objektive nutze ich:
➤ Dieses Mikrofon nutze ich:
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